Thursday, 2nd May - Friday, 3rd May 2019
(9:30 am - 4:45 pm)
This two day conference takes a social systems approach to the dilemma of energy access and the resultant issue of waste.
The workshops and participatory sessions across both days will focus on how to enhance effective energy access across the Global South (whilst smoothing the path to low carbon transitions) and at the same time address the series of challenges linking access to waste.
The second day of the conference kicks off with a session on Theory of Change, an approach to the design, monitoring and evaluation of development programmes. This session is aimed at academics and researchers and it will be of particular use for researchers planning to apply to targeted funding (e.g. GCRF calls).
The event will also showcase elements of the new DfID-funded Modern Energy Cooking Services (MECS) programme.
The event is aimed at researchers, NGO practitioners, the policy community and private sector to engage with each other in support of international global energy transitions.