
Design HOPES: Supporting a green and just transition for NHS Scotland Communities of Practice Launch

Monday, 13th May 2024, 1:00 pm - 3:30 pm

Registration from 12:30 pm
Registration for this event is closed

 Lunch, networking and registration from 12.30pm

This event provides an opportunity to learn more about Design HOPES and to engage with, and help inform, our two new Communities of Practice.  

We are bringing together a community of NHS staff, academics working in design, health and sustainability, designers, users of the NHS, carers, the third-sector, and members of the policy-making community - to share knowledge and insights across the fields of sustainable healthcare and design, building connections and community around these pressing challenges. 

Design HOPES (Healthy Organisations in a Place-based Ecosystem, Scotland) is a transdisciplinary research project which exploits the potential of design-led thinking and making, to tackle multifaceted health delivery challenges which meet urgent Net Zero goals for a sustainable health and social care system. 

Community of Practice (CoP) workshop participants will have the ability to shape the direction and ways of working of the CoP’s through co-creating their own Terms of Reference - This workshop will explore three initial key areas to drive impactful change for Green Futures Storytelling and Design Policy Interface:  

  • What are the key challenges on each topic and why?  
  • What is one key individual, organisation, or initiative that these topics should engage with?  
  • What would motivate you to join a Working Group on these topics? 

Lunch, networking and registration from 12.30pm

Who should attend?

This event is for anyone interested in the areas of health,care, sustainability, design and research, including:

  • Users of the NHS 
  • NHS staff 
  • Academics working in design, health and sustainability 
  • Designers 
  • Members of the policy-making community 

Benefits of attending

Attendees will hear about activity so far in this exciting project and will have the opportunity to join one of our Communities of Practice in Green Futures Storytelling and Design Policy Interface. 

Design HOPES logo, green text


Madeleine Rooney
Head of Operations: Design HOPES
Neil McGuire
Communications Coordinator: Design HOPES

Registration for this event is closed

Engage with Strathclyde is a programme of events organised by staff from the University of Strathclyde to initiate new and escalate existing relationships with external organisations. Please see our privacy note detailing how your personal information will be used.

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