
From the coast to the ocean depths: Co-developing innovative solutions for sustainable development

Tuesday, 7th May 2024, 11:15 am - 12:45 pm

Registration from 10:45 am
Registration for this event is closed

This event brings together researchers from law, social sciences, and engineering to share knowledge acquired through research and engagement activities in the context of environmental sustainability, other sustainable development goals (gender, education, health), and ocean-climate nexus.

The speakers will share their innovative and collaborative inter- and transdisciplinary research experiences and best practices from collaborations with non-academic partners in the Global South as well as within the UK. The speakers cover areas such as:

  • human rights-based and arts-based participatory research approaches;
  • gender, environmental and social  justice and blue economy;
  • fair research partnerships for transformative environmental governance;
  • public and environmental health, coastal hazards, protection and resilience;
  • global health, inter-disciplinary research, and ethics in global health.


  • Professor Elisa Morgera (University of Strathclyde)
  • Early-career researcher David Wilson (University of Strathclyde)
  • Early-career researcher Lysa Wini (University of Strathclyde)
  • Professor Tracey Morse (University of Strathclyde)
  • Dr Bahareh Kamranzad (University of Strathclyde)
  • Early-career researcher Elsemi Olwage (University of Namibia)
  • Professor Jeremy Lauer (University of Strathclyde)

This is an in person event and will be held in the Technology and Innovation Centre, 99 George St, Glasgow.



Who should attend?

You may be benefit from this event if you have an interest in sustainable development, environmental and health governance and/or the ocean and:

  • inter and transdisciplinary research methods;
  • environmental humanities and blue humanities;
  • the inter-relations of health ecosystems and human health.

Benefits of attending

Attendees wil learn about inter- and transdisciplinary research methods and approaches from Strathclyde’s leading experts who have worked in the Global South (i.e. Ghana, Namibia, South Africa, Latin America) on how to co-develop research and impact in collaboration with local and Indigenous communities and traditional knowledge-holders.



Dr Milica Prokic
Knowledge Exchange Associate

Registration for this event is closed

Engage with Strathclyde is a programme of events organised by staff from the University of Strathclyde to initiate new and escalate existing relationships with external organisations. Please see our privacy note detailing how your personal information will be used.

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