
Mathematics Outreach Upskilling Opportunities for Primary and Secondary Schools

Tuesday, 28th May 2024, 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm

Registration from 4:00 pm
Registration for this event is closed

This event will showcase the outreach opportunities and upskilling courses available for teachers, which are delivered by members of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Strathclyde.

The department’s Outreach Officer, Dr Jon Devlin, will give an overview of the outreach workshops available to primary and secondary schools, followed by a demonstration of a workshop for both levels.These workshops are well-suited for STEM/Developing the Young Workforce and Maths Week Scotland events. Dr David Young, a Senior Lecturer in the department, will then give an overview of the upskilling courses available for staff teaching the Higher Applications of Mathematics course.

Who should attend?

This event is aimed at primary and secondary school teachers who are interested in organising mathematics/STEM workshops, and secondary school teachers who are looking for support in delivering the Higher Applications of Mathematics course

Benefits of attending

Participants will have the opportunity to arrange outreach workshops with the Department’s Outreach Officer, as well a first-hand look at the content of the upskilling courses available. 


Dr Jon Devlin
Teaching Associate & Outreach Officer
Dr David Young
Senior Lecturer
Dr Louise Kelly
Senior Teaching Fellow

Registration for this event is closed

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