Thursday, 2nd May 2024, 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Registration from 9:30 amOur industrial focus and external engagement provide an unparalleled foundation for apprenticeship degrees of the highest standard. It allows apprentices the opportunity to study a full-time degree whilst gaining practical skills and invaluable experience - all whilst earning a salary. The many benefits for employers include a loyal and highly skilled workforce.
The theme for this forum event is impact of Graduate Apprenticeships.
Join us for tea and coffee which will be followed by an opportunity to hear from array of stakeholders on the positive impact Graduate Apprenticeships (GAs) have made to business and apprentices, whilst benefitting Scotland and the economy.
Subsequent interactive sessions will provide the opportunity to share the impact GAs have made to your businesses and breakout sessions for further discussions and updates.
The event will conclude with an informal networking lunch.
Company representatives with line management, and early careers responsibility.
Mentors for apprentices on the Graduate Apprenticeship programmes.
Any new businesses interested in Graduate Apprenticeships at the University of Strathclyde.
An opportunity to engage and help inform the future direction of Graduate Apprenticeships through the impact it has made to your organisation.
Networking opportunities with other businesses.
Find out more about the wide range of Apprenticeship Degrees across Scotland and England.
Hear specific updates on GA programmes from Programme Leads.