
Empowering Women and Girls in Business In collaboration with Empowering Women for Change

Thursday, 9th May 2024, 11:00 am - 2:00 pm

Registration from 10:45 am
Registration for this event is closed

Keeping a great business idea to yourself? Maybe it’s time to give it a voice and see where it takes you! 

A recent study commissioned by the Scottish Government found that only one in five of Scotland’s businesses are led by women and  start-ups founded by women receive only 2% of overall investment capital. This inequality is even more profound when looking at representation of women from ethnic minorities. Our speakers aim to address some of the issues that deter ethnic minority women from seeking and obtaining support for their businesses and empower them to start their own business journeys. 


  • 10.45am  Registration, Networking & Tea/Coffee
  • 11am-1pm  Panel Discussion and Q&A
  • 1-2pm   Lunch and Networking
  • 2pm  Close

Who should attend?

This event is targeted at ethnic minority women and girls who are already in business or aspire to start their own businessThe speakers will specifically address issues effecting ethnic minority females, however, females from all backgrounds are welcome.  

Benefits of attending

  • Hear from experts in academia and industry offering tips and advice about starting or scaling up your own business and navigating the ‘system’

  • Listen to Dr Poonam Malik (OBE) about her fascinating journey to becoming a CEO of a large international paper company

  • Network with likeminded women entrepreneurs over lunch 

  • Find out more about support available to ethnic minority women from various organisations


Sarah Alvi
Stephen Young Institute Manager

Registration for this event is closed

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